AMCOL Health and Beauty Solutions INC. U.S.A. 
APPLICATION: New family of hydrogels formulated to enhance the SPF of personal care products. Based on all natural ingredients,
Polargel UV helps improve the dispersion and stability of personal care products while SIGNIFICANTLY boosting the SPF of sunscreen
actives. Available in both standard and custom formulations. Patent applied for.
Polargel NF Hydroclassified Powder
APPLICATION: Polargel NF is specially formulated for cosmetic and personal care formulations. This specialty white montmorillonite
exhibits moderate viscosity, excellent body and a fine, creamy texture. Polargel NF is commonly used to retard settling
and impart body in many water-based formulations.
Polargel T Hydroclassified Powder
APPLICATION: Multipurpose white montmorillonite used as a suspending agent, viscosifier, binder and stabilizer.
Polargel HV Hydroclassified Powder USP/NF Bentonite
APPLICATION: Polargel HV is a high-viscosity white montmorillonite-based multipurpose Polargel NF product, used as a binder,
suspension agent, thickener and stabilizer. Used for cosmetics and personal care formulations when low solids and bright white color
are desired.
Polargel IVP Hydroclassified Powder INCI PVP Montmorillonite
APPLICATION: This versatile product is designed to build viscosity in water, polar solvents and acidic or alkaline compounds.
Developed to maintain stability and promote compatibility of organic and inorganic compounds. (Patented: Intercalated Clay Technology
Magnabrite S Hydroclassified Flake USP/NF MAS Type IA
APPLICATION: Magnabrite S is used in a broad range of applications: cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceuticals and household
products. Typically used when medium viscosity, high brightness and ease of dispersion are essential.
Magnabrite F Hydroclassified Powder USP/NF MAS Type IB
APPLICATION: Magnabrite F is especially useful when dry incorporation is essential for preparations. For disintegrating, suspending
and binding. Widely used in pharmaceuticals ointments and pastes; typically used in tablets to blend powders or in cosmetic
applications that require pressed powders, such as eye shadow or mascara.
Magnabrite K Hydroclassified Flake USP/NF MAS Type IIA
APPLICATION: Magnabrite K was developed for low-acid demand and high-acid compatibility. Used in personal care, cosmetic
and pharmaceutical acid suspensions where low pH flocculation is undesirable. Typically used in shampoos, skin care creams and
lotions, hair conditioners and brush-on hair color.
Magnabrite HS Hydroclassified Flake UUSSPP//NNFF MPuarsi fTiyepde B 1enC
APPLICATION: Magnabrite HV delivers high viscosity at low solids. Used in cosmetic creams, pharmaceutical suspensions and
personal care products. Exhibits excellent emulsification and thickening abilities. Typically used in antiperspirants, acne treatments,
oral suspensions and veterinary suspensions.
Magnabrite HS Hydroclassified Flake UUSSPP//NNFF MPuarsi fTiyepde B 1enCt onite
APPLICATION: Magnabrite HS was developed for cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations where maximum electrolyte stability is
required. Typically used in antacids, oral suspensions, hydrocortisone creams, pearlescent shampoos and analgesic creams.
Magnabrite T Hydroclassified Flake Technical MAS
APPLICATION: Magnabrite T is a technical grade that is most economical and useful in household, ceramics and industrial
specialty applications.
Volclay NF-BC Air Floated Powder USP/NF Sodium Bentonite
APPLICATION: Magnabrite Ultra is used in a wide variety of personal care applications where brightness is of concern. Download Deatail